Your leadership style and how you present your style to others is complex and well beyond a simply one label process. Dr Suzanne Goodman steers away from labels, but rather opts for a far more in-depth interpretation that recognises the multifaceted aspects of each leader.
Your success as a leader starts with greatness in your inner core; your strength, vibrancy, maturity as a leader, self-concept, values and thinking patterns. These, in turn, determine your success in your outer-core; your leadership skills and competencies.
Once you understand your deep-seated values, you will have a stronger appreciation of why you behave and make decisions the way you do.
Without understanding why we act the way we do, we may relapse into our original behavioural patterns after a while. This is more likely to happen in stressful and uncertain situations; the very types of volatile, uncertain, changing, ambiguous (VUCA) workplace environments we, as leaders, often encounter today.
The MLEI Tool is a Powerful Measure of a Leader’s Inner Core.
The Map of Leadership Maturity® (MLEI) is the only known enneagram that specifically addresses current and emerging leader development, growth, and maturity (Mattone, 2013, Intelligent Leadership loc 1198).
The MLEI Tool is less a measure of a leader’s personality and more a measure of a leaders potential to respond to stress and “disruption” in a positive (mature) or negative (immature) way. Therefore, it is not a measure of “who you are” but is more a “leading indicator” measure that predicts a leaders “can do” and “will do”. It highlights a leaders gifts they need to leverage and the “red flags” they need to accept and address.
The MLEI has 2 Scales in relation to your Leadership traits:
How Active?
How Mature?
The Strategic-Tactical Leadership Index-360™ (STLI-360) is a 72-item (measuring 9 strategic and tactical “outer-core” leadership competencies) multi-rater assessment. It is one of the most popular leadership 360 assessments available today. It also includes us handling all the details to ensure your stakeholders are properly notified about their participation in your 360-assessment and provides confidential STLI-360 access information so they can provide their anonymous feedback. In addition, I will prepare a rich, actionable custom 40-page STLI-360 Report that will enable you to: (a) compare your self-assessment ratings to your stakeholder’s (manager, peers, direct reports, indirect reports, and other) ratings; (b) detail your highest and lowest rated competencies and behaviors; (c) highlight your most significant “blind spots” and “surprise strengths”; and (d) capture “open-ended” comments from your stakeholders about your leadership strengths and development needs.
For further information, e-mail Dr. Suzanne at [email protected].
How can MBTI® help me?
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® assessment is designed to help both individuals and teams gain insight into their core personality traits in order to gain key interpersonal skills. The assessment provides a framework for leadership and team development by reinforcing positive change, communication techniques and individuals core strengths and weaknesses.
It helps you to understand why you do what you do and understand others better.
How can Strong Interest Inventory® assessment help me?
The Strong Interest Inventory® Assessment is designed to help individuals and businesses uncover key insights into career planning and development by outlining the employee’s core interests and how they can be best applied to particular fields. For individuals who are not sure where to head next in their career, the Strong Interest Inventory® is the perfect starting point to help identify a range of possible interests.
The Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument® assessment examines an individual’s behaviour during situations involving conflict. The assessment provides an in-depth report on the various factors that contribute to personal conflict management skills. By completing this assessment, you will be provided with a TKI Profile® that offers a variety of conflict management techniques that best suit your particular skills.
The California Psychological Inventory® (CPI 260®) assessment is designed to provide insights into individuals personal and interpersonal characteristics in order to help discover new personal growth opportunities. The assessment offers a number of insights into the individual’s leadership strengths and weaknesses, along with improvement recommendations.
For further information, e-mail Dr. Suzanne at [email protected].
The ebilities® Mental Agility Series assessment is designed to help organisations discover key insights into identifying the most suitable applicants for the particular job. The ebilities® MAS assessment also helps uncover individuals abilities and match them with their suitable position within a team or organisation.
For further information, e-mail Dr. Suzanne at [email protected].
The Everything DiSC® Workplace® assessment is designed to offer insights into individuals behaviour and preferences within the workforce. The assessment explores a number of personality traits within an individual and provides feedback reports on how to maximise workplace efficiency and create stronger, more adaptable and team orientated employees.
The Everything DiSC 363® for Leaders assessment is designed to help individuals uncover a variety of aspects that shape their leadership style. The assessment outlines the Eight Approaches to Effective Leadership and offers personalised strategies to help improve leadership performance. The assessment delves into the varying factors that influence leadership abilities, with a key focus on interpersonal aspects of leadership.